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Dims in jabalpur| Corona covid-19 test in jabalpur| Blood test in jabalpur| Best lab in jabalpur| Professional

4 years ago Health Services Jabalpur   2.3K views

5.0 stars

Location: Jabalpur
Price: ₹ --


About Us

Divyata Institute Of Medical Science & Research Centre (DIMS) is anewly launching Diagnostic service provider on the horizon with committed toensure Quality, Reliability & Best services.

DIMS is a complete diagnostic services by setting up a state of ArtClinical Reference Laboratory at Heart of the city in Jabalpur and plan to growwith an aim to become a leader.

DIMS is highly sophisticated Molecular Biology Laboratory with cuttingedge technology with accuracy, efficiency & dedicated customer service& above all the strino patients. Earlier clinicians send the patients molecularbiology (PCR) samples to metro cities where transportation take much time &due to this, specimen quality & results destroy. We understand this &early results to patients. Earlier clinicians send the patients molecularbiology (PCR) samples to metro cities where transportation take much time &due to this, specimen quality & results destroy . We understand this &provide the same world class diagnostic services at jabalpur.

DIMS lab is operated as per NABL guidelines & authorized by severalother health authorities whic prove our quality work.

1. Highly Qualified Specialist Pathologist to interpreted every testresults.

2. Experience & trained staff offering 365 days 24*7 services


DIMS is committed to be the best in serving world class. Diagnostic services and to deliver Accurate Test Report with shortest turnaround time, our ethical standards are of paramount importance in all operations for our all customers.


Our mission is to help the society in form of best Diagnostic services with cost effective testing and to become the most valuable diagnostic services company to all our customers, we will also ensure outstanding quality by accurate testing technologies.


  • Hematology
  • Biochemistry
  • Serology
  • Molecular Biology
  • Microbiology
  • Immuno Histochemistry
  • Histopathology


Dr. Sanjay Mishra
Lab Director
Experience - 31 years
Dr. Manish Nagendra
MD (Microbiology)
Experience - 15 years
Mukul Kumar
Quality Manager
B.Sc. Clinical Pathology, DCP&DT
Experience - 17 years
Vijay Arti Kumar Boria
Technical Manager
M.Tech. in Biotechnology
Experience - 8 years
Lalit Kumar Banawak
RTPCR LAB Section Incharge
M.Sc. in Biotechnology
Experience - 3 years
Vandana Patel
Infection Control In-charge
M.Sc. in Microbiology
Experience - 4 months
Nidhi Gupta
Lab Manager
BMLT & certificate in QMS
Experience - 5 years
Rakesh Kewat
Sample Collection Technician
Experience - 2 years
Rajendra Kumar
RTPCR Lab Technician
M.Sc. in Biotechnology
Experience - 2 years

DIMS Jabalpur is a molecular testing lab in Jabalpur.

We focus on providing patients quality diagnostic healthcare services. We offer patients convenient locations for their diagnostic laboratory services and efficient services. We believe we are capable of performing substantially all of the diagnostic healthcare tests and services currently prescribed by physicians in India.

DIMS in jabalpur

Corona test in jabalpur

Covid-19 test in jabalpur

Blood test in jabalpur

Urine test in jabalpur

Best lab in jabalpur

Corona test at low cost in jabalpur

For more information:

DIMS Jabalpur

Email id: dimsjabalpur@gmail.com

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/DIMS-Jabalpur-100439105299836

Website: https://dimsjabalpur.com/

Contact: 0761-3556940, 6267568809

Address: Awasthi Compound, Shankaracharya chowk, Old Chhotiline Phatak, Gorakhpur, Narmada Road, Jabalpur M.P.

Additional Details

Address Awasthi Compound, Shankaracharya chowk, Old Chhotiline Phatak, Gorakhpur, Narmada Road, Jabalpur M.P.
Services covid-19 testcorona testblood test urine testall lab test
Email ID dimsjabalpur@gmail.com
Website https://dimsjabalpur.com/
Contact No. 07613556940
Whats App No.1 6267568809
Director Dr. Satish Panika


Anonymous 3 years ago

Best lab in Jabalpur for covid RT PCR test, giving fast reporting in just only 4 hours.