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Cashless India Skill training Government project services in Jabalpur Madhya Pradesh| Smart city village projects in Jabalpur| CSA Group in Jabalpur Professional

4 years ago Services Jabalpur   1.9K views

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Location: Jabalpur
Price: ₹ -- Negotiable

CSA Group

CSA GROUP was the culmination of the hard work and dedication of a group of young social development professionals who dared to make social work as a career. The unorganized efforts of these youths took a concrete shape and were christened as CSA GROUP . In order to make the effort this small forum was given a legal status by registering it under the M. P. Societies Registration Act 1973 in 2005. In the initial stage it was acting as a Youth Development Centre. Gradually it has been evolved as an Educational Development and Research Centre.

From a humble beginning of working in a selected few villages adjoining our headquarters in Khilchipur, we are now operating in MP, Bihar, Maharashtra, Rajasthan and Odisha with adequate infrastructure to undertake major interventions. We are now looking forward to embark upon important issues concerning us such as education and health for Woman, income generation for poor women, livelihood issues. We are assured that through collaborative approaches, we shall be able to sustain all efforts taken in that direction. Developmental experts have stressed that accelerated action on the goals requires economic growth that is sustainable, inclusive and equitable—growth that enables everyone to benefit from progress and share in economic opportunities.

CSA GROUPdoesn’t want to grow only as an organization, it wants to grow more as an idea. Where organizations and individuals across the world take up the work, learning from our experience and help reach the basics of life to people who need it urgently, mindful of their dignity and their needs and not as a charity.

Government Projects Smart City Projects Services
Skill Training Associate ServicesSmart Village Projects Services
Financial Solution ServicesSelf Employment Services

For more information contact us at:

CSA Group

Website: http://csagroup.org.in/

Email Id: info@csagroup.org.in

Contact: 8103572997, 9399389937, 0761-4009432, 9993813777

Address: Head Office: CSA Group - 103/A3, A3 3rd Row, Plot No. 6, Patrakar Colony, Ranital Chowk, Jabalpur (M.P.)